Maokong: playing games at the mountain tea houses for hours

Red Bean and Taro Shaved Ice: our new favorite dessert (yes, it IS a dessert! That is sweetened condensed milk on top.)

New friends: (from left) Kelley, Kikki, me, Beatrice, Chloe, Yuko

Tall buildings: this is Taipei 101, the second-tallest building in the world

My job: last week I taught a summer art class

My students: on Friday I took them on a field trip to an art museum, and it was so fun!

A new place to dry our clothes: our clothes were starting to smell like food (since we were drying them in the kitchen), so I finally got the courage to hang them outside our window. We live in the third floor, but so far none have fallen off.

My amazing husband: I am so thankful to have him here with me. He is such an encourager, a hard-worker, a good listener, and a fellow adventurer.
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