We're studying the book of Acts. That night, we read in Acts 2: "All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need" (v. 44-45).
As we were getting ready to leave, one of my friends casually said, "Oh, Kayt...I brought this cooker for you. I thought you would enjoy using it."
(Note to all the Americans reading this: "cooker" is British-speak for "oven.") :)

I was shocked. Are you really giving me your oven?! She was. (She must've known that I've been craving some freshly baked gluten-free bread!)
Her genuine thoughtfulness and generosity amazed me...and helped me understand a bit better what it should look like to "have everything in common."
What a reminder that all "my" stuff is not really mine, but God's. I am praying this week that He would give me a more generous heart.
Wow! That is so nice!!