Thursday, November 4, 2010

Halloween in 60 minutes or less…

Not a description from late-night infomercial, but the account of the Halloween experience at my school of Friday afternoon.

The afternoon parties of my elementary days don’t line up with the Taiwanese education system’s values. Bobbing for apples-too unsanitary, cookies and cake-too expensive for a ‘pretend holiday’, afternoon party-too much time out of the classroom.

My school did set a new standard of efficiency for holiday celebrations however.

Within the course of an hour, all the students in the school put on their costumes, walked around the block to ‘trick-or-treat’ at prearranged locations, took a barrage of pictures and were back in their classrooms learning.

It helped that the school had gone to different business and supplied them with candy to give to the children a week or so in advance. This way the children could walk into each store single file and receive their 1 allotted candy item.

You thought your teachers were scary...

Someone who really understands the Halloween Spirit:

Trick-or-Treat takes on a new feeling in a city of millions

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