Wednesday, June 29, 2011


This past week I have been reading the book of Titus, and I listened to a sermon podcast from our former church in Columbia.

The pastor defined the essence of femininity:
to nurture stability and beauty in myself and the people God puts around me.

I have been pondering what this looks like in my life. Here are some thoughts from my journal...

to Nurture: to cause something to grow and flourish
Stability: peace, contentment, shalom
Beauty: whatever reflects God; that which is True and Good

in Myself: spiritually, emotionally, intellectually, bodily

in the people God puts around me: husband, friends, co-workers, students

Two areas I want to grow in are:

1. nurturing stability in my emotions
I already wrote about this in my post on the "feelings train."

2. nurturing beauty in my mind
Since finishing college, I've been tempted to stop reading things that challenge me to think and grow intellectually. I don't want to give into that temptation. I want learn more about what is True, Good, and Beautiful.

What do you think? Do you agree with this definition of femininity? I would love to hear your thoughts.

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