A few minutes before it was my turn, a nurse gave me some numbing eye drops. The only pain I felt during the procedure was when they ripped some tape off my eyebrow. Kalan viewed the whole operation through a glass wall, and watched the actual operation via a television connected to a camera inside the laser machine.
I could see immediately following the surgery, although my vision was a bit blurry. The day after the surgery, my vision was crystal clear. Now it is better than 20/20 without glasses or contacts! Amazing.
For the first week I got to wear these cool goggles when I slept:

Now I am mostly recovered, though I still need to use eye drops and wear sunglasses outside for another week or so. I am very thankful for my new eyes!
the other day on NPR they had a story about the same thing for cataract patients in India. They do these procedures incredible fast and with fewer side affects because they preform the procedures so ofter. If I remember it was like 200 a day per doctor. Western medicine is sooo old school. Also are you gonna be in Green Bay for Christmas?