A few friends have been asking when I'm going to start blogging again. Ha. Well...here's a quick update (mostly in pictures)...
Thank you to friends far and near who sent me birthday wishes this past week. 28 is pretty great so far. :)
Speaking of birthdays...sweet, smiley baby James will be 3 months old tomorrow. He loves eating his fist, "talking" to his big brother and sister, and making new friends everywhere we go.
It's been cloudy and raining almost non-stop here. If the sun happens to peek out for an hour, I try to get the kids outside as quickly as possible before it starts drizzling again.
Back of our apartment building |
The quotable Keira at 6:30 AM: "Mom, why do your eyes have purple spots under them?"
Exciting things are happening as we prepare for ministry in a new part of the city (we'll move sometime in the next six months). If you'd like more info on that, let me know and I'll add you to our prayer update list.
Checking out a potential new neighborhood |
Have a great weekend!