Lately I've been thinking about how my kids' childhood experiences already differ vastly from my own.
For example, here's what my toddler likes to eat for...
Breakfast: Turnip Cake

For example, here's what my toddler likes to eat for...
Breakfast: Turnip Cake

Turnip and sticky rice made into a "cake." Keira's personal record is four slices in one sitting.
Lunch: Seaweed-Tuna Triangle
Tuna and rice wrapped in seaweed. She also likes to eat seaweed sheets plain, like chips.
Snack: Dried Fish with Almonds
Who needs goldfish crackers when you can have the real thing? At least they're high in calcium.
Dinner: Bok Choy
"You must eat a bite of chicken and rice before you can have more bok choy."
Yes, I really have to say that.
But don't worry. Keira also loves cold water*, string cheese, and peanut butter...
...she's a decidedly American toddler just loving her Taiwanese world.
*Taiwanese people generally only drink room-temperature or warm water. Cold water is said to be bad for you.