Tuesday, September 8, 2015

We're Back: The Week in Review Vol. 16

We're back in Taiwan after a wonderful visit in the US.  And we're back on the blog in order to stay in touch with all you far-away family and friends.

Our trip home was probably our worst travel experience yet.  Changed flight times, no in-seat entertainment on the trans-Pacific leg due to changed aircraft, and a vomiting child were some of the lowlights. About 20 hours into the 30+hour journey, by the grace of God, we regained our sense of humor and started laughing at our own exhaustion, and by the time we arrived home I wasn't even that surprised or upset that our building didn't have any running water due post-typhoon maintenance.  (It came back on just 24 hours later, which was especially good news for our overflowing laundry hamper.)

Jet lag was rough but we're all happy to be back in our Taiwan home.  Kalan started another semester of Chinese classes, and I've been setting aside time to study every day (though I'm not taking official classes anymore).  I've been working on learning spiritual vocabulary and some new Bible stories to share with friends.  I need lots of practice, so if you speak Chinese and would like to hear one, just let me know!  ;)

"Mom, we've heard this story a hundred times today..."
This past week had its share of excitement when I woke up one morning with a red, swollen, painful lump on my leg.  By late afternoon my whole leg was tingling so I went to the ER, where the doctor told me I had deep vein thrombosis (a blood clot) and was immediately put on bed rest in the hallway, and informed that I would need to stay the night for further testing and treatment.  As soon as possible I got in touch with our families and asked them to pray.  Around 10 PM my leg started feeling a bit better and the nurse agreed that the red, swollen lump seemed to be shrinking.  At 1 AM a doctor woke me up and said that he could do an ultrasound now instead of the following afternoon.  During the scan, he said, "Well, this is amazing, but it looks like the clot has simply disappeared on its own.  You can go home!"  After receiving medication I was in a taxi home just an hour later.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation...present your requests to God.  And the peace of God will guard your heart and mind..." Phil. 4:6-7

Other adventures this week have included my first attempt at freezer meals (shopping for and prepping a week's worth of meals at one time, freezing them, and cooking them in the crock pot).  So far it's been awesome.  Our market vendors even offered to deliver meat, eggs, and vegetables directly to our apartment when we buy in bulk.  Win!  I'm hoping this will help when we transition to three kids in just a few months (what?!)  

I'm still on the lookout for new recipes to add into the rotation, so send me your recommendations!

We also started preschool homeschooling this week.  We're only on day two, but it's been a blast.  Memory verses, singing, books from the library, crafts...an hour of focused activities every morning has been good for all of us.  I love my job.

Thank you to everyone who's been praying for our transition back to Taiwan, and especially to everyone who prayed for me while I was in the ER.  We're continually thankful for our friends on all sides of the globe.

Have a great week!



  1. Wow, sounds like an exhausting few days! I'm really glad your blood clot cleared up so quickly - what a turnaround! Freezer meals are brilliant. I had them every day when I was working late evenings. I find pea and mint risotto is cheap and tasty, as is potato goulash, although sometimes what's cheap in Europe ends up being expensive in Taiwan.

    1. Thanks for the suggestions, Ellie! Pea and minto risotto sounds really good; I'm going to look up a recipe.
