Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Week in Review, Vol. 8

This week: Moon Festival, how we're doing, and the quotable Keira (中文 /Chinese edition)

Last Monday was Moon Festival in Taiwan.  To celebrate we made pomelo hats and had a BBQ with friends.

I'm still adjusting to being a mom and Chinese student.  Our new routine has necessitated more prayer and more coffee but less cleaning.  :)  Hence our house often looks like this:

A bright spot during our week is our friend Paul.  He works in one of the apartment buildings we pass by daily.  He always greets us with a big smile, snacks for Keira, and, often, a glass of fresh lemonade for me.  Every time we visit he teaches me a new Taiwanese phrase (a different language from Chinese.  Eventually, I'd like to learn both).

The quotable Keira (Chinese edition):

While on the potty, singing to herself: "Keira, jia you, jia you!" (You can do it!)
她上廁所的時候:“Keira, 加油加油!”

"Jude.  Jude!  Look.  Zhege, red.  Zhege, blue.  Ok?  OK?!"  (This one, red.  This one, blue.)
Just for the record, the things she was pointing to were actually green and pink...
“Jude。Jude!你看。這個,red。這個,blue。OK?OK? ”  ( 其實那個東西是綠色,粉色。)

After getting into a taxi, to the driver: "Chaozhou Jie!" (the name of the street we live on)
在計程車裡,她對司機說:“潮州街!“ (我們的地址)

"I toot.  I toot."  (I'm cute.)
“toot” 聽起來 “cute”, 可是“toot” 的意思是 “放屁”

Have a great week.


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