In our pursuit to follow Jesus, we have come to value simplicity--the discipline of keeping ourselves "free from love of money" and material possessions (Hebrews 13:5).
To put this belief into action, we decided to have an annual "purge," setting aside time during Lent to go through all our possessions and give away / throw away anything we don't need.

We have lived here less than a year, but felt shocked at how much stuff we had accumulated...papers, CDs, well as how much stuff we had that we don't regularly use...clothes we never wear, mismatched socks, books we've already read, a hair dryer...

I have to admit, the "lenten purge" was not exactly a fun evening. It is emotionally difficult to give things away! (My natural instinct is to keep every birthday card I've ever received). Kalan gently reminded me, "It's okay to feel a little sad." And he is right. Keeping one small box of meaningful letters, notes, and pictures is enough.
Fortunately, we went through our whole two-room apartment in just over two hours. And the best part...we finished our new tradition with ice cream sundaes!
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