Who: 100 of our closest and newest friends
What: a day trip for people who will be involved in the Spring Alpha course
Where: Pinglin, a small town renowned for their excellent tea
When: Yesterday, 2/28 (a holiday in Taiwan)
Why: Alpha is a bilingual class on Christianity held twice a year at our church. Every Friday night for ten weeks, Taiwanese and foreigners who are interested in Christianity gather for a delicious meal, fun songs and games, teaching on Christian beliefs, and small discussion groups. This spring Kalan and I will be helping with the class. More to come on that! But for now, enjoy some pictures from our Pinglin excursion...
It started with a Taiwanese BBQ...

After lunch we headed out on a nature walk...notice how easy it is to find Kalan above the crowd...

Old and new friends:

Our native guide...she was quite passionate about plants, tea, and Pinglin history...at least I think that's what she was talking about...

The river was a beautiful turquoise, and it's cherry blossom time...

A little yoga along the way...

Pinglin tea fields...


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